Goal Planning
“Most impossible goals can be met by breaking them down into bite-size chunks,
writing them down, and going full speed ahead.”
Vision Traction Organizer (V/TO)
The Vision Traction Organizer (VTO) is a 2-page tool that has all your key business objectives and actions in one easy-to-digest place so that your entire team is clear on the company purpose and execution plan.
The VTO follows the ‘measure twice, cut once’ philosophy of sitting and thinking before you start doing. There are multiple ways to accomplish creating a VTO for your company, but all rely on the leadership team working together to discuss and capture the core focus of the team.
Building the VTO includes:
Your cross-functional leadership team coming together with a facilitator who guides you through the thinking of each of the different parts of the VTO, including your Vision, Mission, Core Values, Core Focus, 10-year, 5-year, 3-year, 1-year and 90-day goals, and identifying your current issues in order to capture your execution plan of next steps.
The VTO can be a part of the Strategy Development session, or built separately in a stand-alone session.
Our note-taker will capture all the information discussed so that your team can be 100% present in the room and focused on the discussion.
Your Results
After the VTO session, our team will organize the notes into a digestible format, and present the information to your leadership to decide the best next steps for your team. The VTO becomes the basis for your weekly decisions and should be updated every 90 days to review accomplishments, update issues and set the next 90 day goals.
You will then have an action plan that you can discuss internally on a weekly basis to track progress and help keep your team focused on the direction you want the company to go.
Vision Traction Organizer (VTO) Session
2-hour planning session with the leadership team.
In-person 4-hour facilitated session with the leadership team.
Summary organization of goals, issues, and rocks - along with key deliverables.
1-hour leadership follow-up discussion and implementation planning.
Cost: $1,800
“Jeff and Hallie help define your focus and goals to break ideas down in a way that helps you make the best decisions for your business, yourself, and your team.”
— Shai O. CEO, Dezerv
“Thank you Jeff for guiding me down the EOS Traction path. Without your guidance and wisdom, I wouldn’t have had the guts to build the rockstar team that’s holding down the fort while I help with my new baby girl. ”
— Ryan J. President, Lighting Boss
“It’s hard to solve the real issues your business faces when you are drowning in daily tasks. Taking a step back to analyze challenges with an outside perspective has helped me and my leadership team identify, discuss, and solve issues without all the noise.”
— Ty W. Founder, American BioProcessing
“My first RIP session was overwhelming and helped me understand that a lot of the daily fires I was putting out, weren’t helping me achieve my long-term goals. I have improved at delegating and communicating deliverables to my team to free up my time to do the tasks only I can and let my team handle the tasks they can do. ”
— Matt V. Principal, Visaggio & Co.